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LIVE TIMES & LAST TRAINS from Hammersmith

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PAVADITA Hammersmith is served by two tube stations:

  • Hammersmith Station: Hammersmith & City and Circle Lines

  • Hammersmith Station: District and Piccadilly Lines and Buses

From the tube stations, walk towards Hammersmith Bridge. Rutland Grove is the last road on the right, immediately before the bridge. Both stations are within 10 minutes walk of Pavadita. Please see the FIND US page for an interactive map.


If you have not been before, it may be confusing as to which direction to take - especially from the District and Piccadilly Lines station, which is located inside the Broadway Shopping Centre



There are two sets of stairs from the District & Piccadilly Lines platforms into the Broadway Shopping Centre - one at the front of the train and one at the rear. The stairs at the rear of the trains, when coming from central London, may be closed during off-peak times.

Between the Broadway Shopping Centre and the street there are three exits. The directions below are from the north exit (front of the train coming from central London), opposite the Hammersmith & City and Circle Lines station.

  1. Within the shopping centre, follow the signs for ‘Hammersmith & City Line’ and 'Broadway'.

  2. Exit the shopping centre. Cross the road and turn left (south) towards St. Paul's Church.

  3. At the corner, cross Hammersmith Bridge Road, turn right and continue (church on your left) under the flyover towards
    the bridge.

  4. Rutland Grove is the last road on the right, immediately before the bridge. Turn right at the Sri Sai Convenience Store.

  5. The Hammersmith Club entrance is further down on the left. As you enter the gate, the entrance to PAVADITA is straight ahead through the white doors.

Scroll through the GALLERY below to view photos taken at the numbered spots on the above map.

Hammersmith Tube map

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